Travis CI必须付费了
2023年2月25日,使用travis ci部署hexo项目,发现并没有触发任务。
登录travis ci,发现提示:
Builds have been temporarily disabled for public repositories due to a negative credit balance. Please go to the Plan page to replenish your credit balance or alter your Consume paid credits for OSS setting.
在travis ci plan页面关闭了Consume paid credits for OSS,但是依然提示:
Builds have been temporarily disabled for private and public repositories due to a negative credit balance. Please go to the Plan page to replenish your credit balance.
点击Change plan,发现已经没有免费的plan了,而最便宜的plan,也要$69/monthly
那就换成GitHub Actions吧,有付费版,也有免费版。