************* Module test test.py:62:0: C0305: Trailing newlines (trailing-newlines) test.py:1:0: C0114: Missing module docstring (missing-module-docstring) test.py:30:-1: W0105: String statement has no effect (pointless-string-statement) test.py:43:4: C0116: Missing function or method docstring (missing-function-docstring) test.py:43:4: C0103: Method name "twoSum" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name) test.py:43:21: W0621: Redefining name 'nums' from outer scope (line 57) (redefined-outer-name) test.py:43:38: W0621: Redefining name 'target' from outer scope (line 58) (redefined-outer-name) test.py:44:20: R1735: Consider using '{}' instead of a call to 'dict'. (use-dict-literal) test.py:32:0: R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods) test.py:58:4: C0103: Constant name "target" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name)
------------------------------------------------------------------ Your code has been rated at 4.12/10 (previous run: 4.12/10, +0.00)
solution.py:32:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 solution.py:45:14: E231 missing whitespace after ',' solution.py:52:52: E231 missing whitespace after ',' solution.py:57:14: E231 missing whitespace after ',' solution.py:57:16: E231 missing whitespace after ',' solution.py:57:19: E231 missing whitespace after ',' solution.py:60:31: E231 missing whitespace after ',' solution.py:62:1: W391 blank line at end of file